
September 18,2020

Tips to Wood Furniture Care?

Buying furniture is not a difficult task. But wood furniture care is the crux of the matter! Due to many reasons, there are chances of damage to the property if not taken care well. Atmospheric conditions, Climatic changes, temperature variation, etc. can adversely affect the life of your furniture. Don’t Worry! You can save your wood furniture and of course your money. In this post, we would like to help you with few tips which you could follow if you have wooden furniture.  

#Tip 1: Dusting

Yes! You read it right. Frequent dusting plays a pivotal role in wood furniture care. You might seem it to be silly. Definitely, It is not! Dusting will help to keep the glow. But BEWARE! Try to use soft cloths else it can cause scratches.  

#Tip 2: Cleaning

Cleaning is not mere dusting. While cleaning wood furniture, you can use warm water and a mild soap or lotion. After cleansing, you have to dry out your furniture by using a soft cloth or towel. Paper tissues are always a good option. But never maintain wetness as it can make the wood soak and get damaged in future. Also, avoid keeping hot objects over wood.  

#Tip 3: Waxing and Polishing

For regaining the glow and texture finish of oil/wax furniture you can coat the furniture with paste wax. Finish feeder is the best option for re-wax. But if the furniture is too old to re-wax, you will have to go for re-oil. Re-oil is nothing but, removing the entire wax coating, applying oil such as linseed oil and then again waxing. In the case of polishing, there is a wood polish that could be used to retain the glossy finish. If the problem is not that serious, then there is a simple option where you can apply shoe polish as a wood polish. Colour shoe polish can hide mild scratches.  

#Tip 4: Use pads, clothes, and covers

If you love your tables, then use pads, covers, and runners. Table mats and hot pads are better options to get rid of damage caused by hot objects. Table cloths can better avoid spills. It is not the case of tables only, but also other ones. Always try to cover the sofa sets, cots, chairs, etc. with cloths for having a long life.  

#Tip 5: Avoid Sun exposure

Like you people, furniture can also get tanned. Yes! Overexposure to sunlight can fade the colour of your furniture. Make the room light proof by using curtains or glass coverings. Sun protection is really an important aspect for wood furniture care.


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